Cartridge and Phono advice for Classic 3

Im purchasing a VPI Classic 3 and have been trying to find the best MC cartridge and phono that i can get for it in my price range. The system I have is all tube and I would like to maintain that with the phono but am open to solid state components as well.
I am considering the lyra delos cartridge as well as the Fosgate Signature V2 phono...
Any suggestions or guidance?
The budget is max $5,000...right now I see it as about $2,000 for the cartridge and $3,000 for the phono but am open to any suggestions on a different distribution.
Thanks in advance for any help!
I did like the sound of the 20x2 dyna that i heard...hopefully my dealer will have a lyra that i am able to audition against the lyra's. Suteetat and Manitunc, what phono's do you guys use in your system?

If I were you, I'd consider a high output cartridge which would eliminate the added expense of the phono pre. There are many good ones that would mate well with your arm on the Classic....

Just how do you propose that this is possible ?????

I think he must have thought he was using an integrated amp that had a phono section built in. In the older amps there was always a phono input that could be used with MM gain cartridges. Today integrated with built in phonos can have op[tioned MM and or MC inputs.
I don't think he was thinking that an MM cart gives you line level voltages. I don't think so but maybe??
You can get a Herron VTPH-2 and a Lyra Delos. Cost is a few dollars over $5,000 but will provide excellent performance and great customer service.
I use a Manley Steelhead, which is a great phono preamp. Previously I used a SimAudio LP5.3 with PSX5.3 power supply. Also very good, just not as flexible as the Manley.