NOS Tubes for Rogue Tempest II

Looking for some suggestions replacing the stock tubes. I want a little more transparency or pop yet retaining overall smoothness and good bass. I want to start with the 12AX7's and the 6SN7's first. I was told the Sylvania 6SN7 GTB would be a good one but there are several versions so I am a little confused. Also the same with the 12AX7 what is a good value without breaking the bank.
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I bought some used Sylvania 5751 Black Plates.I will definitely try to find some NOS,if they haven't been priced to ridiculous costs.I'm still not sure if I like them better than the NOS Amperex 7025.Time will tell.
12BZ7 in place of the 12AX7 gives it much more dynamic punch and is safe to use according to Rogue.

The Cryo-treated Gold Lion KT-88 is top tomato for the output tube.

I can give no advice on the 6SN7 driver tubes.