Aesthetix Calypso VS ARC Reference 3

Half price off course ($5000 VS $10000) , but suppose cost is not an issue: what you think are the sonic differences between the two pre-amps ?
The Calypso Signature should be out soon and the Hovland HP200 should be given a try along with the Wyetech offerings.
Delayed response to question addressed to me by Jafant. I have tried several of the 12AX7 (which I feel impact the sound more than the 6922). I have tried a NOS pair of Telefunkens that were okay witin my system. With my other components (Krell and Wilson), I have found that I like the Mullards the best. I have a pair of 10M which are just a hair better than the longplates in a couple areas, but I really like the longplates and don't feel that I give up much vs. the 10Ms. I feel that they are tighter in the bass than the 10Ms but not so vs. the regular ecc83/12AX7 Mullards. Technically, the standard mullards should sound virtually the same as the 10M. They are really the same tubes just that the 10M have gone through additional testing (Just like golf balls destined for the Masters, they come off the same lines with the only differences being in the additional inspections - and packaging of course). I have tried several others over the past 1.5 months or so and found that I like the Mullards the best - with my system.

For somebody buying a Calypso, I would say start with either the 10Ms or the Mullard longplates to cut to the chase a bit faster (especially if their system is somewhat similar to mine). Additionally, if on a budget, I would seriously consider the "other" branded Mullard longplates (which are the same) but will save some scratch.

For the most part I have ended up with Philips in the 6922 position and have been happy. I played around with a couple of others, amperex, etc. . . but not nearly as much as with the 12AX7s.

Again, I am not saying the Calypso is better than the Ref. 3. If I would have been willing to spend the money for the Ref. 3 I would have probably bought that over the Calypso. Now that I have the Calypso, I am not too eager to get rid of it and am still not willing to spend the additional money on the Ref. 3.
Ckoffend - Before you spend another $500+ on a pair of Mullard 12ax7 10M's, you might just want to try a pair of Sylvania 5751 triple mica black plate. They run around $60-80 a pair regularly on ebay. You might be pleasantly shocked. Once I heard these, I have not bought another 12ax7 pair and I went through a bunch. As for the 6922 socket, the Valvo or Amperex PQ pinched waist tubes are smooth smooth vs. the Philips and Tele that I used before in the Aesthetix, CAT and Aria gear.
Jafox, Thanks for the recs. I actually have a pair of both the Valvo and the Amperex PQ pinched waste tubes and like them both. After the previous comments, I went back and looked at my tube box. But I honestly don't see as big of an impact with the 6922s as the 12AX7 tubes - which are immediately noticeable without any careful listening in terms of the extend of the affect/changes they have.

I will take your advise though the on the Sylvania when I get around to finding some. Thanks for your comments.
How long typically do the tubes last in the Calypso? 2000 hours? or 4000? or 10000 (like what the 10M claims?)?

by the way, Ckoffend, you just out bid me on a 10M a few days ago on ebay.
