Aesthetix Calypso vs First Sound Presence Deluxe

I would like to compare the Calypso to the First Sound Presence Deluxe. I have heard the Calypso at a dealers showroom but I have yet to find a dealer For the First Sound. Both preamp are around the price point I was looking to spend. Both get wonderful reviews. The Calypso has balanced inputs and outputs and a remote control which the First Sound does not. The First Sound has a outboard power supply and is a little cheaper, plus can be upgraded very easy. Both of the preamps seem to be at the top of the class in this price range. As I said before, I have not heard the First Sound, which I hope to.
I Would love to do a side by side comparaison at home in my own system, but without a dealer for the First Sound in my area that seems impossible. Am I missing anything not hearing the First Sound ? I was very impressed by the Calypso, and this was just at the showroom. I haven't heard it at home yet.
Which Preamp will deliver more warmth, Bloom, detail and soundstage ?
My current system consists of Audio Research VT 100, LS16mk1,PH3SE,VPI Scout, Marantz 8260 sacd. All cables throughout are Virtual Dynamics Masters. Speakers our Audes Grand Blues. Room size is 29x24x7.
Thanks for any input. Brian
I have the FS and just listened to the calypso yesterday in a different system. I would agree that the FS is ultra quiet with good dynamics and bass response. The calypso has more inherent warmth, and probably will be a better match with your equipment. You are welcome to hear my FS if you wish, but you did not mention what area you lived in. I am in upstate NY (albany area), best of luck.
If you haven't lived without a remote try it first, it's painful in my opinion and a deal breaker, but then again I'm ADD with my music and volume adjustments!

My friend upgraded from the LS16 to LS25 Mk1 and it was a huge upgrade and now to the Calypso which added some warmth over the LS25 and soundstage expanded, he is quite happy but had to change tubes to get it quiet.
A couple things: you may be able to "warm up" the First Sound (if it's not warm enough for you to start) by changing tubes. Secondly, Galen Carol Audio ( has been a dealer and will ship equipment for auditioning purposes. I would call Emmanual Go (who designed the First Sound) how to audition one if Galen Carol doesn't work. I don't have Emmanual's phone number, but I'm sure you can get it via Internet search - or from a First Sound owner. Good luck.
Thanks everybody for your input. I did forget to mention I live in Indiana, Go Irish !!
I guess my mindset for some reason is that the First Sound may sound to bright or dry in some systems. I do want and enjoy detail, but some preamps seem a little bright. This is how the LS25 sounded to me after a while listening. This is why I am asking about the warmth. I did get a phone number to First Sound off their web site. Brian
the FS doesn't sound "dry". You can tailor the sound based on the tubes you use.

dry - no!
