Musical Fidelity A300 Integrated

I have this integrated amp (150wpc) running to B&W Nautilus 804's and love the sound but was told the speakers are meant to be bi-amp'd. I don't really want to move away from my current amp and see it has a "pre-out". Does anyone have any experience in adding a second amp (thinking A308cr (250wpc))or a better idea? Is it worth making any change?
Did you find the Nordost added to the brightness? I'll need to find a set of Golden Reference to audition... Are you Bi-wiring the golden reference and is that an improvement verses jumping them?
Yes, the Red Dawn did add to brightness. I am bi-wiring with
the GF and the results have been good. Look, the N804s
inherently are never going to be bass beasts, so you will have
to accept that. Nonetheless, bi-wiring them brings out a nice,
tuneful bass that is not overpowering.
That may be where I run into a problem as my amp only has the left and right terminals (excuss my ignorance if I'm mistaken but to bi-wire do I not need 4 terminals?).
Not necessarily. Check out this link.

My experience with Nordost Cables, Blue Heaven and SPM, is that they were lean in the bass and a somewhat bright/harsh in the treble. A good friend got the same results with his Red Dawn.

As far as the bi-wire, myself and a few friends tried this against single wire with jumpers of the same cable on various speakers, and we all liked the single wire better, as it was more coherent. Here is an interesting read about bi-wire,

If you search the forms, you'll find many different opinions on bi-wire, but I do believe it is best to do a true bi-wire, this is what Vandersteen recommends, which is 2 separate runs of identical cable. You don't need extra terminals on the amp, you just make 2 connections on each positive and negative post. I do encourage you to try before you buy.

Based on my experience and what many others say in the forums, the effects of bi-wire are more obvious in the midrange and treble.