Remote volume control = unacceptable compromise?

Reading through some of the threads it seems that the absence of a remote control on a pre or integrated is a ‘deal breaker’ for some here. These are my experiences. A couple of years back, at a private listening session with a maker (anonymous ‘cos it really doesn’t matter who because the thread might loose focus) had 2 preamps identical other than one had a remote volume control and other was manual. Both volume controls made by Alps. Apparently these are among the best.

Using a digital source with twin analogue outputs and full-range speakers and a sophisticated SPL meter the system was set up to switch, using a Manley Skipjack, between the two preamps. At identical SPLs for both, the differences were clear. At low SPL, detail retrieval was reduced when the remote control was used. At normal listening levels the differences were slight and at realistic levels the remote unit sounded a bit harsh. Or perhaps the manual unit was less detailed? Hard to say for sure.

There was a difference. The amp designer didn’t prime us with his own opinions. The preamps were behind us. Switching was random.

It was a bit of a ear-opener for me. Based on this the designer decided not to proceed, for the foreseeable future, with a remote preamp. This was because of unacceptable sonic compromises. He pointed out that while circuits can be constructed by him with endless different component configurations, neither he nor his competitors were in a situation to build from scratch a remote control volume mechanism. He reasoned that his years of work should not be compromised because of the compromises made by OEM suppliers.

Some pointed out that he was missing a part of the market. He agreed – but said while acknowledging this, he felt his buyers valued performance over convenience. Before the demo I’d have disagreed. During the demo though, I changed my mind. Nothing has happened to me since that time to change back.
interesting, but I still won't buy a non-remote pre, and don't understand why a remote motor can't be installed without affecting the sonics.
The most likely answer I guess is that no OEM maker yet produces an entirely neutral motorized volume control. Possibly Accuphase, Luxman and so on do – but if they did they certainly wouldn’t supply outsiders. Anyway … as for me, I won’t place convenience over sonics when it comes to home music reproduction. When I go to a gig I won’t buy the cheapest seat simply because that gig is a one-off event and so I reason ‘why compromise if you can avoid doing so?’
Unacceptable compromises will vary from person to person and are many times subject to budgets and personal preferences. Remote volume control is but one compromise, and I would find it very hard to say that it is an unacceptable compromise anymore than I would say that an automatic transmission in a car is an unacceptable compromise. Almost all of us make compromises, we don't all use 4 box amplifier systems, 2 boxes for each channel, separating the amplifier section from the power supply. Some here use one box stereo amps or even integrated amplifiers.....gasp!! Some don't have dedicated lines, or upgraded outlets, power cords, cables, room treatments, tweaks, etc., etc..

The point is, we all make compromises, and what is unacceptable to one may not be unacceptable to others. I for one, have no qualms with a remote volume control. I have heard preamps sound very good or very bad with or without a remote volume control. I wouldn't judge a preamp's performance on a remote volume control any more than I would judge a automobile's performance on a automatic transmission, or whether it had Wi-Fi capabilities or not, though I am sure that others would.