Advice for my first turntable/arm/cart please help

I am asking for advice from my audiogon friends on what will be my first turntable. If looking to give suggestions please see my system link below. I am considering the following tables based on what I have read: Nottingham Spacedeck w/new Spacearm, Michell Gyrodec, VPI(don't know which one), or Teres. I most likely will buy used and without auditioning which I know is frowned on. I have found that with much reading and talking with agon friends I can usually know what gear I will like before buying. I have never set-up a tt before so I would not consider myself a d-i-y but I would like to attempt to set it up on my own. I do have a friend who is into vinyl that I could call on if needed. I plan on using the phono stage of my DK integrated to start but will be looking into outboard phono like EAR or K&K Audio. I have been reading many many threads but would like some input/advice from owners of the following tables that may save me from making a mistake. My listening tastes are rock, blues, jazz,etc. Honestly I listen to everything but classical. Any good places to audition turntables in metro detroit in case I decide to purchase a new table? Thanks to everyone in advance.
It's been years since I've heard one of those Anything tables, Francicso. Could you expound on its virtures! ;-)
Thanks for the suggestions from everyone. It will be a little while before I am able to buy anything so I will keep reading and make sure I get to listen to some different rigs before I buy. Mthieme please let me know if you want to try to work something out to meet. Maybe I could bring the DK by your place. Email me if you want to try to figure something out. Thanks to everyone.