Budget DVD suggestions?

Can anyone recomend a budget dvd player say $300 or less with SACD? I am always open to possible quality used products if it fits my price range. One other thing... Has it ever been decided which format SACD or DVD audio will be used? Or are both still used?
I mostly use my system for watching Movies but the idea of surround sound format is killer and I want to experience it. I think Norah Jones has a SACD format CD which is why I ask for a DVD/SACD player. Thanks for your help!
The Pioneer DV-578A will do SACD and DVD audio and video plus much more for $129. I believe Audio Advisor sells these units.
Sony DVP-NS755

Reviewers said it gives 80% + of what their flagship player does at $1200 - get them used for under $200
I think that at your price range, the Pioneer suggested in the other posts would be good. Another advantage of the Pioneer is that it does both SACD and DVD-A. Many other brands do one but not both. Sony, for instance, will do SACD, but not DVD-A. And many of the budget audiophile brands do DVD-A, but not SACD. My own feeling is that SACD has an edge in long-term market acceptance, but then again, manufacturers don't typically ask for my opinion!It's a good hedge to get a player that can do both.