Best budget $300 Balanced IC Recommendation

I have a Cambridge Azure 840C with both Balanced and SE outputs. I have been using Kimber KS1021's with Black Pearl silver and copper stranding. Anyway, I wanted to try the balanced connect and ordered a pro cable for about $20. I could not believe the results! The pro XLR cable sounded almost as good as the Kimber and it's not even broken in! This tells me balanced is the way to go. I'll probably sell the Kimber's to finance the purchase or trade for a balanced IC. Looking for some help and suggestions - thanks!
Darkmoebius, which Mogami XLR? Thay have Microphone cable and interconnect cable. The Mic cable is about $20 more for each cable than the their IC cable. Can you or anyone else help with suggesting the right cable? Thanks!
09-27-10: Rpg
Darkmoebius, which Mogami XLR? Thay have Microphone cable and interconnect cable. The Mic cable is about $20 more for each cable than the their IC cable.
Mogami Neglex Quad 2534 is listed as a microphone cable on the manufacturer's website.

Here's the $35 (3 ft) Mogami Gold Neglex Quad Microphone Cable for Studio Neutrik XLR at Guitar Center. You can select longer lengths on the right side of the screen under the price.

Upside of this is that you can order some and try for 30 days, if not up to snuff, get a full refund.
Catastrofe, can you shed a little more light on "Grover Huffman"? Any additional info would be greatly appreciated!
