Question about Morrow ICs?

Are there significant differences between the various models MA1-MA6? Thanks!
I went for an MA1 special because for the price I figured what do I have to lose. I followed the proper burn in and they now have several hundred hours on them. They are between my dac and preamp. PRAT (pace,rhythm,attack,timing) are all as good or better than anything I have had . I find them to be very neutral as well. There are some things that other cables I own do better, but they all cost more (at retail). I can only imagine what the cables up the line will do. Mike Morrow is a very nice guy to talk with. With his 60 day money back guarantee you cannot go wrong giving them a try. I think he is on to something .
Your right , He is on to something as I to tried the special on the MA1 just to see if the IC's are as good as the SP3 bi-wire I purcashed last year.They ended up moving my AQ Columbia to other duties, the real kicker was when Mike offered the MA2 for 99.00 bucks and low and be hold all the places I thought the MA1 could be better was manifestied in the MA2 and that's with only 300hrs on them, it took 370hrs for the MA1 took shine. The next sale he has I'll try the MA3 but think the MA2 fills the bill they IMOP do everything right!
I upgraded from the MA1s to the MA3s. The MA1s really impressed me, giving me "some" things my very expensive esoteric cables did not. I went through the proper burn in process(400 hours)and have been listening to a lot of familiar music. I use the interconnects between my dac and pre. I can honestly say I am blown away at the improved dynamic, powerful and 3 dimensional presentation I am hearing. I am hearing nuances and finer details I have never heard before. These have bettered anything I have owned prior. Money prevents me at this time to go further(MA4 or above). I would not dare to put my other cables on the used market at this point. I feel I would be ripping the buyer off when a pair of MA3s(or higher) are available from Mike. I am telling you all, give them a try. Mike gives you plenty of time to burn them in with a full money back guarantee(less the $10 shipping).
Hi Mrdecibel,

I agree with your assessments about the Morrows. The series 3 are very good but 4s are very sweet and again the price to performance is remarkable.

:) listening,

I wanted the 4s but mortgage payments and other essentials allowed me to only get the 3s. At this time, the 3s have given me a coherence to my system I had no idea I was missing. They have blown away all others I have had or have tried. Tonally, they are very neutral. Dynamically, I am finding I am listening at a lower volume setting on the pre. I cannot say enough about Mike Morrow's interconnect design.....mrdecibel