Kondo KSL speaker cable how do they sound?

I`d love to hear from those of you who`ve owned or have heard the silver and/or the copper versions of these cables. Based on the brand`s reputation for natural sound I`ve become interested to learn more from the audiogon community. All thoughtful insights are very welcome.
i've used them (along with KSL silver i/cs & p/cs) in both tube & SS systems.

tonal balance is pretty even with a slight emphasis in the mids. they hv a 65:35 ratio in terms of musical flow vs. structure. they're prob not as quiet, or hv as much resolution as some of the "modern" cables, but hv an overall balance & coherence that's hard to match. this is fm my personal experience & observation (everyone's room/system/music/perspective/etc. is unique, so YMMV).
11 flat6
Thanks for your response. Regarding the KSL speaker cable how wide is the performance gap between the silver and copper given the large price difference? based on your input I`d accept a bit less ultra resolution for the gain in the muscical ebb and flow and the priority of preserving coherence.
Kondo KSL is old school stuff that at best is like Audioquest.

There is better wire out there for a lot less $$$.