Older Cary 306/200 vrs a recent used Cary CD500?

How does the highly reguarded some 10+ year old Cary 306/200 CD player sound vrs the recent discontinued Cary CD500 player? I'm thinking of buying used. Both of these units look interesting to me. Of course I could wait for the newer Cary player due out this Spring...Currently using a Denon 1650AR which I like. Most of my listening is now CD. Really I just want a really good player and be done with it. All comments welcome.
After further thought finding a used Cary CD 303T Proffesional Version would be the best choice...
I'm seeking one in black....
don't overlook the 303/300 esp. at used prices. I owned the 306/200 for a long time & have enjoyed the 303/300 several years now. btw, I always run it in solid state mode.
I was looking for the same as you; I wanted a good player that would be the last I had to buy and just enjoy the music. I ended up buying a new Esoteric player that was used as a static display at a few audio shows. I got it for less than half price and the thing is built so well, I truly feel I won't have to worry about my next cd player.

You might want to consider something that is still quite new and built really well. I have no experience with Cary but I just wanted to add my thoughts.
I used a Denon 1650 for years. I still have it upstairs so I have something I can use in a pinch. It has not been turned on for at least 5 years. I think you will be amazed at how far digital has come, provided that you are able to hear some of the really good stuff that is available now. For the price of a used Cary 303T, I would suggest you also consider a new or used ModWright Sony or Oppo.
I've heard a couple of the Esoteric players. They are good, but I will stick with my ModWright Sony.
Thanks for responding guys. I've really only owned a couple of cd players since the mid eighties. A Denon dcd3300 kept me happy for many years until problems developed. Bought a used Rotel rcd1072 which was ok but the soundstage was smaller than the warmer sounding Denon. Then I found the Denon 1650AR. Soundstage was back! So, I'm really limited in hearing various quality players.
I now listen to CD's 90% of the time now. I collected to many CD's over the years. I do like the newer players and their flexability for future use. The Cary 303T seems to do everything..