Older Cary 306/200 vrs a recent used Cary CD500?

How does the highly reguarded some 10+ year old Cary 306/200 CD player sound vrs the recent discontinued Cary CD500 player? I'm thinking of buying used. Both of these units look interesting to me. Of course I could wait for the newer Cary player due out this Spring...Currently using a Denon 1650AR which I like. Most of my listening is now CD. Really I just want a really good player and be done with it. All comments welcome.
After further thought finding a used Cary CD 303T Proffesional Version would be the best choice...
I'm seeking one in black....
don't overlook the 303/300 esp. at used prices. I owned the 306/200 for a long time & have enjoyed the 303/300 several years now. btw, I always run it in solid state mode.
I was looking for the same as you; I wanted a good player that would be the last I had to buy and just enjoy the music. I ended up buying a new Esoteric player that was used as a static display at a few audio shows. I got it for less than half price and the thing is built so well, I truly feel I won't have to worry about my next cd player.

You might want to consider something that is still quite new and built really well. I have no experience with Cary but I just wanted to add my thoughts.