ShengYa CD-10

I picked up one of these just recently. This player has two sets of switchable analog outputs. One for usings its tube circuit and a second for by-passing the tube circuit and using its SS output.

The tube section uses two Electro-Harmonix 6922 tubes. The transport and Dacs are comprised of a Philips VAM1202/CD7-II digital driver, Burr-Brown PCM1732,24Bit/96KHz HDCD decorder and DA chips and Solen MKP capacitors.

Comparing the two outputs thus far the SS output sounds much better to my ear than the tube does. The SS is very open and detailed with a good wide soundstage. The tube output by comparison is warmer, less detailed, narrower and just not as articulate (perhaps somewhat smeared?) in its presentation of the music.

So my question is would replacing the Electro-Harmonix tubes with something different yield better results. Meaning while keeping the warm richness of the tubes but providing a wider soundstage and more capable articulation.

Any recommendations tube wise or if you have actual experience with this player or a Vincent counterpart (apparently the same company makes both) I would be grateful for your replies!
I had that same player. The best tubes I found were 70s era Amperex 6DJ8s with the dimple getter. They gave me exactly what you describe you're looking for.
Interesting. Though this is only related in part. I recently tested out a EE Minimax and we felt it sounded best without the tube setting. Last week my friend got the new EE Minimax Plus. Though it is still breaking in he's already reporting that he prefers it with tube switched out. By the end of the week we'll give it a real audition, but I wonder what the story is. Do you also have a tube amp? I have found some synergy issues with tube gear.

When it comes to tubes, check out Brent Jessee's site (just google his name).
With each type of tube he gives a good history of it along with the various makes rated. Having said that, one time I needed a good 6922 and with my budget in mind, he recommended a '70s Mazda RTC (?-its been awhile) which made a huge improvement, across the board. There was nothing dull about it and it really opened things up: best $100 improvement for what I needed.