Hana ML teamed with Pro-Ject 1Xpression carbon classic and Rega Aria

i have been in the process of upgrading my main system. I think my next upgrade is the phono cartridge. 

I currently have a Ortofon 2M bronze and am looking to upgrade to a quality mid priced MC. My research seems to point to the necessity of pairing tonearm, cartridge and phono preamp. I picked the Hana ML based upon Steve Hoffman ‘The Big Moving Coil Cartridge Poll - $1000 to $1300’, then reading reviews of the top cartridges on that list. Looking for a neutral, quality sounding MC cartridge. My pro-ject model has the 8.6 cc Evolution tonearm. I know I will need a new counter weight. The phono cable is Mogami 2549, 1.5’ to phono preamp, so very low capacitance. 

My equipment:

Pro-ject 1Xpression carbon classic

Ortofon 2M bronze 

Rega Aria

Marantz 7015 AVR

LSA Warp 1 amp (driving fronts)

KEF R11s


IsoAccoustics Aperta center stand

Klipsch KSW 12 (left over… next to go)

Mirage nanosat rears (also left over)

Mirage unit-theater (using 2 channel for Dolby rear height)

Bluesound Node

Schiit Modi multibit 2 DAC 


Transparent + speaker cables

Mogami 2549 interconnects - with a few core power mixed in 

Thoughts on upgrading my system with the Hana ML? Any other recommendations?  Thank you  



Instrument separation, clarity, soundstage, overall sound all perfect! I didn’t know what 3D sound was until this cartridge. 😎

Yeah, a jump from the 2M bronze to an ML is a big jump. I went from the 2M Red (when I got back into Vinyl in 2016) to the Bronze. I didn’t like it much at all- the only thing that kept me in the Ortofon family was buying the Black Stylus to use on the same engine/body. I still think the 2M Red is a great value, it’s such a fun sounding cartridge.

The ML is so much more resolving than the SL, it’s easily worth the extra dollars.


You asked if there were any other recommendations.

Yes, it looks like you are running everything through your AVR. I was too. I was running a Yamaha Aventage 3050. The 3050 was preamp output to a pair of monstrous Aragon dual mono amps. I figured I had it made. You have a Marantz- nice unit. My AVR is a flagship unit as well.

I had, off and on, read and ignored that a 2 channel integrated or 2 channel pre and amp will offer superior performance.

I was preparing to move and those two 75lb amps plagued my thoughts, I decided to sell them and buy a 2 channel integrated with Home Theater bypass, which allows the AVR to control the volume during video sessions.

I chose a Cambridge Azur 851A because it’s well reviewed and pretty inexpensive. I thought I could check the truth of what I thought of as the 2 channel myth. If it wasn’t all that different I could sell it and go back to external amps.

The results were eye opening/ear opening- stunning. The sound is infinitely more dynamic. Everything is elevated. You can file this away as you see fit but the longer you delay the longer your audio sources sound half as good as they could.