Phono preamp with best mid bass

Let me explain my ideal sound and see if you guys have any suggestions. I realize speakers and and every other things contributes but looking for a phono that leans naturally toward the sound I’m looking for. 

I like a strong mid/upper bass that is highly articulated. Highs that are not overdone and natural. Sub bass is not as important for the music I listen to but what’s down there I prefer punchy rather than big. Natural mids that are well defined. Detailed but not to an extent that compromises robustness or gets too analytical. 

Been looking at the tube models. Rogue Ares looks intriguing as they mention some of the traits I am looking for in the reviews I’ve read. 



Not sure what your budget is but I had the best midbass with my turntable when the lower bass was filtered and didn't waste amplifier power.  

The Lehmann Audio Decade and Black Cube SEII have bass filters that begin cutting the output below 50 to 25 Hz.  

This results in a tighter mid bass punch with more snap and definition. 

Not many phono preamps have bass filters anymore but when used successfully they do improve the sound by cutting inaudible groove and platter rumble.   

If you look at the Ares, go for the Magnum as the sound is more articulate across the spectrum. The regular one is a bit more rounded even with better tubes.

A step up on the Ares is the Modwright PH9.0 or PH9.0X, which I along a number of other users have talked about very much on these forums. Enter that model in the forum search bar and look at the threads that pop up. It’s definitely a giant killer, and I only replaced it with units that retailed over $13K. 

Your "goldilocks" phono amp is purely subjective. 

No one can recommend your "just right."

Start with the "best" pressing-which is yet another subject argued to death.

Tube units seem to project a more convincing organic presentation to me.


What turntable, what arm, what cartridge MM/MC? If you find yourself needing a rumble button in a well set up system, you have issues elsewhere and are only dodging that issue. Enjoy the music and good luck