HiFi audio Fuse on a CD Transport

Would it be a great improvement if I replace the fuse on my "CD Transport" by a Audio HiFi Fuse.  I experienced a good result with amplifier ?


" I experienced a good result with amplifier"

Did you need to see it in print? Try it and report back.

It's such a polarizing topic, so the answer always is YMMV.

NO! But since you've already drunk the fuser Kool Aid go ahead and blow some more cash on another "audiophile" fuse. Then post back here on how much better it makes your transport sound.

Wasting your money, you can’t really hear the transport. Why not buy one of those $400 fuses and see?   Doesn’t Synergetic offer a return if you don’t like or can’t hear a difference?

Way to go naysayers. You must love the close contact you guys get with all the dog piling.