Missing Members

I've noticed that some members who were frequent contributors are no longer active.  For instance, Schubert.  I'm hoping that everyone is in good health.  Any word or comments about other MIAs?


Protecting cables from vibration is not a stupid idea ...It is elementary...

But buying that 200 bucks is being rich or lacking minimal craftmanship... 😁😊

Dont throw the baby of "mechanical control" method and device with the ridiculous price tag of a "hanger" used this way...

It is easy to laugh but harder to think....

The stupidest  people are those who throw the baby with the bathwater....Not the one who wash the baby... 



For sure all children like cartoon...

I am too old for your child game...

Or too young for premature cartoon senility...

There is three embeddings necessary control installation possible in audio:acoustical, electrical and mechanical...

Stupidity cannot replace reality with a cartoon....

It is not my habit to mock people here but to discuss with them: then with arguments...


«Isolate yourself»-Baron Munchausen  🧐

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