Voltage mode vs current mode phono stages

Can someone explain the differences in layman's terms and why is one better than the other? 


See above. For current drive the phono stage input impedance needs to be as near zero as possible so as to “see” the cartridge as a current source. It also has be amplified by current and to put out amplified voltage in response to current. That’s why I called it an I/V converter. Ultimately the stage has to put out amplified voltage just like a conventional stage. It’s basically as simple as Ohm’s Law. Conversely a conventional voltage driven stage has to have an input impedance that is a multiple of the cartridge internal resistance, in order to amplify its output voltage.

Maybe some CH Precision owners could join in?

Their reference phono stage allows for both voltage or current gain situations by featuring an array inputs which are easily user optimized.

From the info I’ve gathered, the 10 ohm or lower LOMC Current Injection (transimpedance) theme as mentioned by @lewm seems to be their preferred method of playback.

LOMI pickups are now joining the current party! (pun intended)

 Not too sure how LOMI cartridges would work into a current driven phono, because of their high-ish inductance. Have you tried it? Or has anyone?

boothroyd, Apart from the fact that SoundSmith are the only company that currently market LOMI cartridges, what was your point?  Have you tried to drive a current mode phono stage with an SS LOMI?  Thanks.