Led Zeppelin 11

Better Records has a just in Led Zeppelin 11 for a poultry $2499, but it's a white hot stamper!


Dunno why Jimmy hasn’t released it on CD. I’d speculate that this must have been addressed by him at some point - the elephant in the room, kinda thing.

I don’t pretend to know much about master tapes - but there must be two - the RL one and also the one that was released generally.

Given that the RL creation was "hot" it may present certain technical challenges, dunno. As if that should be any issue these days.

Not to be too much of a dweeb, but the word is spelled paltry.  And yeah, I continue to be dazed and confused by the prices these frizbees fetch, no matter how many hours it obviously takes to hand-carve them. And don't give me heat for seemingly implying that that gentle number.is on the second album, not the first...

Jeez excuse me for living, so I learned something, I’m not an English major, and it was not a joke or no joke, stole that from Biden. People have butchered posts far worse than mine....the point I’m trying to make is its a crazy expensive record and his copy is the most expensive I’ve seen. Now I will go to the blackboard and write the word PALTRY 100 times, after the nun is through wacking my knuckles....tough crowd...