Diablo 300 vs Luxman 590AXii with Sopra 3

Hello folks, first post, and not a knowledgeable audiophile.  I have a home under construction that will have a 40' deep by 30' wide primary living area with 19' ceilings, basically an open living/dining room bleeding into a kitchen.  I bought a pair of Focal Sopra 3s to fill the room with respectable sound, while maintaining the aesthetics/decor that kept everyone happy. I"m considering a Luxman 590AXii or a Gryphon Diablo 300 to drive the Sopra 3s (and single REL S812), and wanted to hear from anyone who might have first hand knowledge with this amp/speaker combo.  I'm looking for very good two channel sound, but again, I'm not an audiophile, not swapping components, cables etc looking to squeeze every last drop.  Just looking for a very solid, respectable, set it and forget it high-quality system.  Source will likely be the Lumin T2 DAC/streamer.  Thanks for any thoughts or advice.  


op if you are going with a lumin t2 all you need is a power amp.


unlessyou want to run an analog source.


so the first thing to determine is do you need an integrated or just a power amp?


if you are all digital then you dont need an integrated.


if then we would recomend the t2 into a krell xd 300 power amp or the smaller xd 175


thecombination of a krell power amp lumin and sopras is a wonderful system


as per youroriginal question we would recomend the luxman the diablo is awesome but a little dark


Dave and Troy

Audio intellect NJ

focal krell and lumin dealers

Two things. I would recommend having an integrated amp that allows future options and you'll still have a working system if your source player quits or you want something different. Digital is still moving at a fast pace, things could change. Just more versatile. Second, you'll have a pretty good size room to fill, so 30wpc isn't ideal. The Sopras say 40-400 watts is recommended so I wouldn't want to be on the low end of that in such a big room.  

Definitely going integrated amp for flexibility.  I am curious about the 30W Luxman being enough power due to larger room size, but I hear it's a beefy amp due to it being Class A.  I don't have expertise on if it's enough power.  Open to thoughts on that topic.

what kind of sound are you after? Spora has a beryllium tweeter which could be quite bright. Class A Luxman is a good thought but may not be powerful enough to fill the room. Look into Mcintosh integrated, specifically MA12000, its a tube pre with solid state amp 350 watts. Mac is laid back yet detailed and neutral. It would definitely help tame those Focal tweeters without losing any detail. Also, Mac has an excellent dac. 

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