Genre: Sacred or Early World Music, what's your go to?

I had forgotten how much I love to listen to plainchant, often Gregorain.  I also have loved some Tibetan throat singers and American gospels.

When it isn't Christmas, what is your favorite type?

Should we talk about early world music instead?


A lot of Baroque can also be considered "sacred", being as church-based as it is (J.S. Bach's day job was as a church organist, and a lot of his compositions were written to be performed on Sundays). Baroque is my "go-to" Classical music.

The composer Ludovico Einaudii feels spiritual, but isn't.  Phillip Glass could be put into the same room I think.

Einaudii is great. Perhaps he falls under the heading of minimalism and my favorite in that grouping is Arvo Part e.g. Alina is very bare and soothing.

There is also a CD called Ancient and Modern by Anne Dudley with the best track here:


another good one from the album