I was told I2S is a better signal from computer vs USB. assistance in how to

Hello I see a punk faun in Europe I2S bridge that plugs into computer slot , it looks like a hdmi  cable , and on back of terminator dac it has a hdmi type i2s 

where can I buy a bridge in the U.S that will take the place of  having to use Usb if I2s is indeed better , much appreciated with any help , Thank you.


The sonore Ultra Digital looks like a nice usb-to-i2s adapter that is configurable to support i2s on 6 different dacs.

I own a Pink Faun s/pdif card and it's excellent.  The Pink Faun i2s card can support many different dacs using either hdmi connection or RJ45.  The card has a "sub-board" that has the actual output configuration and socket.  What he does is select a customized sub-board for your particular dac that has the correct pin-configuration for the hdmi/rj45 socket (because all the dacs can have slightly different pin assignments for each wire).

@melm - here's the link:


Don't be concerned about ordering a bridge from Pink Faun in "Europe".  He uses good shipping companies.

One thing to note about Pink Faun cards is that they have a known issue with Intel processors when running Linux.  I've been told this issue does not really exist when running Windows, but I used an AMD processor motherboard when I built my last computer just to make sure. 

One more thing about i2s cables.  They need to be as short as possible (like 1-2 feet if possible) because the i2s architecture does not work well with long runs.

This is completely different with normal S/PDIF which require at least 1.5 meters to prevent signal reflections.