The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses

This thread is intended for those who are actually using the new SR Purple Fuses. In my system, they are a significant improvement over the SR Orange fuses. What are your impressions? 


OP don't worry if they close the thread again. They have monitor on Andy when the med hit a certain level, the "all clear" message will go out and they will re open the thread automatically. It's one of the new features. 

Now if we can just get Andy to insert the monitoring PROBE in the correct orifice.
AND leave the cat alone Andy. That's just not right even if she does perrrrr!!

Andypandy sez ...

"very Trump’ish ..."

Now I understand you, Andy. This brings it all into focus. Nothing else needs to be said. From this point on, I will be addressing you as "Karen." *lol*


I think Karen should keep his comments to Audio Science Review.


Ordered 3 x SR Purples for my amp and Dac yesterday.

May my delusional bliss continue...

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