WTF: uncontrolled Tsunami of Spam pure crap post arising on AGON daily

Fifty one ..., 51 new posts this am and counting so far today,  of  pure shite posts polluting the forum this am,

AGON failure to weed out and prevent this  (again,,,) shows a broken system sinking into a B- grade forum. You don't see this junk on the Canadian or British forums. 

Post removed 

Not a big deal...


I simply Donkey Kong around them (just like I started doing with a few of our regular posters).



     Simply click on, "Report this", to the bottom right of the post and be proactive.

     The management deletes them fairly quickly.

     Then again: there will always be those that just find it necessary to whine.

This happened a few years ago and they fixed it. It looks to me like the entire anti-spam system has gone offline.

In the overall scheme of things, no biggie.  Just scroll past them.  I see them, but it never occurred to me to count how many there were.