Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube


I think if you do not want to get vaccinated, you should not. 

Then, the chances of your dying go up exponentially.



Please do not assume you know what he did about vaccine and do not judge him.   


Awww, is the big guy afraid to get a needle put in his arm? So you went looking for something online that you could use as an excuse so you wouldn't have to let people know you were a scaredy-cat ? They give out lollipops to those who are afraid as a reward for having been brave? Will be difficult for you as you will most likely be hyperventilating from stress which will be exasperated by the mask which is not only a major hinderence in getting enough oxygen into your body, but is essentially the same as a prison that is stripping you of all rights and freedoms.

As far as Ron goes, it's terrible that anyone should have to go through that. It was the part of wife being in hospital, then kids got sick, he got sick that the story got real. 

And that, is what reality would have been like for waaaaaaaay more people if no measures had been taken.

Curious as to his vaccination status. I'm going to guess not. Reading between the lines, his use of "Church" as well as the severity of the symptoms. Suspect he didn't reveal as he didn't want to alienate part of his audience. If I had almost lost my son, and if I and my wife had not been vaccinated, I would be asking people to get the vaccine so as to hopefully avoid what I had gone through. Bit cowardly... His post came across to me as a plea for money. I'm sure the hospital bills are putting a second strangle hold on him which is the last thing you need after a traumatic experience such as that

Never been a fan of his reviewing style. There is an artificial quality to his oh so polite presentation which borders on being sanctimonious. 

Having said all that, I am glad he and his family got through it. 



Post removed 

I got the impression that he had not been vaccinated, and regretted it but didn't want to mention it one way or the other so as to avoid controversy. I think his message was still clear; get vaccinated. I don't think that he was asking for money or pity.

By the way isochroism, I loved your new spelling  of "sensorship".