Integrated / speaker pairings in the $6-7K range

What synergistic integrated/speaker pairings have you experienced in the $3K-range per component ($6-7K total), given a moderately sized room (say 150-250 sf)? For example, I know from personal experience (and recommendation) that a Belles Aria and Vandersteen 1ci's work really well together. Curious for your ideas. Thanks!
Really depends on what sound characteristics are most important to you. 
Thanks, soix. I was just trying to be generative here...not wanting to impose too many restrictions just yet. There are other factors that I would consider as well - sound characteristics are certainly one, as are size/form factor, ability to articulate at low volumes, etc. But for now I'm just curious about pairs that people know work well together. 
My Raven Audio Blackhawk LE with MM de Capo-i speakers are in that price range and sound beautiful together.
Luxman and Harbeth (you can find other threads on this combo), Totem and NAD was a nice setup for me, but you cannot compare the two systems in the way they sound. Totally, totally different. So I totally agree with SOIX4