Learning to Listen: Neurological Evidence

Neurological evidence indicates we not only learn to listen, but actually tune our inner ear response based on neural feedback from the brain. We literally are able to actively tune our own hearing.  

When we listen for a flute for example, this is more than a conscious decision to focus on the flute. This creates neural impulses that actively tune ear cells to better hear the flute.  

This whole video is fascinating, but I want to get you hooked right away so check this out:  

“Selectively changing what we’re listening to in response to the content. Literally reaching out to listen for things.

Here’s another good one. Everyone can hear subtle details about five times as good as predicted by modeling. Some of us however can hear 50 times as good. The difference? Years spent learning to listen closely! https://youtu.be/SuSGN8yVrcU?t=1956

Learning to play music really does help improve your listening.  

This video is chock full of neurphysiological evidence that by studying, learning and practice you can develop the listening skills to hear things you literally could not hear before. Our hearing evolved millennia before we invented music. We are only just now beginning to scratch at the potential evolution has bestowed on us.

I find the subject to almost be boring or a self aggrandising lording over one superiority…However what I do find somewhat interesting, and possibly worth sharing for consideration, is that there is a lot of work being done on perception and reality.

The thesis tis that we have an internal model of the world in our brains, and things that comport with reality, are what we call rational thoughts.

In the case of spatial skills, after a while the infant’s brain allows the input from the eye to understand that a door or a floor is something that exists in the outside world. And when we are older,. We can walk to the toilet in the dark because we have a spatial model of the house’s interior in our brain, and with a few applications of a hand on the door jam, we can get to the toilet without banging our head or stubbing our toes.

It is not the infant’s eyes that are seeing a floor. They are supplying the information to the brain, and the brain sees the floor.

In a computer one could ray trace the various instruments and their time of propagation to a listener or microphone. That technique gets a lot harder for the inverse problem where one needs to locate the instruments using the computer. First one needs to know how many of them there might be and how to separated the signals either in frequency or time.

In a spetial sense once we know that there is a bass guitar and drum set, etc… then it would be possible in the computer, and likely could be happening in our minds/brains, that we move those sources around until their location fits the input signals optimally.

Similar to the baby’s eyes, It is probably not our ears that see the instruments as imaging… it is all done in the brain, and cannot happen easily without a pair of ears.

But the brain is also able to put things into the equation that are not there in reality…
Whether it is skill that worth having depends if one has invested in a stereo… or if one is blindfolded Bruce Lee or Luke Skywalker then it is also a useful skill.
the new trend seems to be the OP goaltending the thread when suits him….

Go ahead, throw the tantrum

Opus 3 depth of image LP, quite useful for discovering those without….depth…