What Does Ayre Sound Like?

Shortlisting for an end game all in one & the EX-8 has caught my interest..Do they have a house sound?Build quality?Customer service?
 Will be driving Harbeth M30.1 or ProAc Tablet Anniversaries..
I really liked my Ayre KX-5 Twenty preamp. It had that solid sound of a well built design.
Although, looking at the innards show large open real estate with very few components.

Ayre is good sounding and would mesh better with the harbeth but would have too lean of a sound for the proac because the ayre sound is detailed with a lightweight lean bass. Think of the sound as airy and lightweight, but natural and non fatiguing.
I have the ayre ex-8 and love it.  I got my ex-8 upgraded to 2.0 and since that upgrade I do not feel that the base is lean anymore (but did feel that it was lean before the upgrade).
Take a listen to Lejonklou Baozu (sp)  INT 40wpc, $4k.
As black as you ever hear. 
Not sure if 40wpc will do the 30.2s
but they do make monos.