Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2021

This show seems to be on track to be held in Denver CO Oct 8-10 at the Gaylord Convention Center.

Wondering if past attendees would comment on if they felt going to this show, at this venue is worthwhile as a hifi hobbyist. 

I have read the site is nice but very spread out, resulting long walks, elevator rides, long lines.  Of course the virus situation might change some of this.

As I am getting back into this to upgrade my system, I am thinking about attending.
Being a local show for me RMAF is a highlight for each year that I attend.
Demo ' Rooms ' abound, and unusual aural experiences are consistently good (worthwhile). 
For me the show allows for more immersion into possibilities and reinforcement of the 'Art of Reproduction'.
Gaylord Convention Center is sprawling but a little planning can  go a long way toward help focus on any point of specific interest.
The RMAF Show is as worthy as any and possibly a better choice for first hand experience.

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