All NEW Klipsch Jubilee Horn Speakers !... Game Changer ?...

This loudspeaker is Roy Delgato's design. Paul Klipsch never heard that bass section or the upper horn section from what I know. It is only similar to one of his last design which was an effort to make a two way system where the two ways could blend better than had done before.
I was doing a search about any news on the (new) Jubilee and stumbled onto this thread.

A couple comments if I may in case a casual reader finds this later on...

1.  PWK originally wanted to take the Khorn back to a 2-way design as he originated it decades before.  To that end, He & Roy came up with this Jubilee design FOR RESIDENTIAL USE (period).  The reality is, the company didn't want to market it so it was shelved and not forgotten about by Roy.  As I recall being told (by Roy) later on, the company let him know they needed a design for a smaller design (than for example their MWM series).  Roy already had this design completed so he pulled it out and the Jubilee bass bin which again, was designed for HOME use, was good enough to be placed into the commercial lineup.  Frankly, I think that's a big testimony to the design.

So, I wanted to clear up that the speaker was a HOME speaker which was good enough to be used in a commercial setting.....  and is now working its way (finally) back to a speaker that is more refined in its look for residential use.

2.  It's correct that this (both the original AND this new vented version) are both designs of Roy.  He evidently designed several ideas....  and came up with this.  As I recall Roy telling the story, he made this, PWK asked him something about how the curves look (or some engineer speak).  What I understand again from Roy is when PWK finally heard it, he simply sat there, leaned back smiling and said "we did it".  (been over 10 years since Roy told me the story so it may not be exact)

PWK heard the original Jubilee bass bin with the "midsized" K403 horn on top (the one you may have seen him sitting next to)  There were only 2-3 sets of the K403 horn made.  I think they had some quality control issues with production since it was going to be in wood.

So Roy pulled out the K402 horn.  I don't know if PWK ever heard the Jubilee bass bin with the K402 horn on top.  I have no recollections of Roy talking about that (while I was around).

So, if it's reasonable to say that PWK never heard the original Jubilee bass bin WITH the K402, then it's fair to say he's never heard nor had any part of the design of the new version of the Jubilee bass bin with the vented/ported horn.  

Aside from any/all of that, if you've ever heard Roy talk about PWK there is a VERY strong bond of love and respect that Roy has for PWK.  I've wondered about this from time to time the Jubilee bass bin 100% Roy's doing and his profound admiration of PWK and his own humility allow him ascribe all the credit to PWK instead of him getting any?

The world may never know the absolute truth.

If you've never heard the original version of the Jubilee, you'd do yourself a favor to do so.  It really is a fine sounding speaker.
FYI:  Coytee is THE expert and historian on the Jubilee loudspeaker other than a few Klipsch employees...maybe. I'm not sure how many designs there are of the Jubilee but if you count the different horns, drivers, and bass sections, I think there are 4 iterations. Coytee will set me straight on that....
No expert at all, but I do keep my ears open!!  :)  
Thanks though for the kind words.  It does help that I've been around them now for (yikes) about 15 years or so.

If we only count production models, I think there are three.  The 'original' that has small supports inside the bass bin to hold the sides still (there is a story there too).  Roy redesigned it to create the updated version that had "shelves" going all the way around the bass bin.  By using the 'shelf' it was easier, faster to produce and made a stronger cabinet.

I'm guessing in the engineering world, that might be a win/win/win??!!

The "story" on the supports....

Years ago, it seems Roy/Klipsch got some complaints about the Jubilee bass bin resonating.  Not all of them, just one here and one there.  It was an inconsistent issue.

He finally figured it out.  It turned out the manufacturing company that provided them the plywood for the cabinets was the culprit.  I don't know the specifications, so let's just say that Klipsch spec'ed the plywood for the Jubilee to be .75 inches, plus/minus .03 inches.

He found out that the company producing the plywood was able to be pretty consistent with the plywood thickness. and it generally came in say, .74 to .73 (but ironically, hardly ever OVER .75!

None the less he discovered that when the production was (for example) .73 and THAT thickness was used for the rear panel, they had a terrible resonate problem.....  if it was thicker, then the resonate issue wasn't there (or was greatly reduced ??).  So he put those supports in much like some folks put a support in the mouth of a LaScala to keep the side walls from resonating.....essentially the same issue.

So he put those support wings/tabs in there and that cleared it up but I don't think he liked the in-elegance of went back several years later and redesigned it with (what I call) the 'shelf's' in there which also guaranteed the problem was fixed, made a stronger cabinet, easier to build and in my mind, looks nicer.

So that would be (as best I know) the second version and the third would be the one pending with the vented horn where he's taken one of the drivers (Jubilee uses two 12" drivers) OUT of the bass bin and he's ported that space or something to somewhere of the horn.  I'm not sure what he's done other than the video that Klipsch has posted about it.