Sonic differences between servers

Looking to replace my Roon Nucleus.  Have read many of posts regarding the various options; Innuos, Antipodes, SGC, and Salk.  Definitely quite a wide price range for these different units.  If the job of the server is to send the digital signal to the DAC; does the server really influence the sound?
Files streamed via Auralic’s lighting DS application sounded significantly better than the same via Roon.
I'm just curious if the files were local (i.e. on a NAS or computer) or did you use a streaming service like Tidal or Qobuz?

In either case you heard the difference between the Roon player software (on whatever you were using to act as the Roon Core) and the player software embedded in the Auralic streamer. The Lightning DS app is just a control point software, meaning you made your song selections using the app, but the software doing the playback itself is in the Auralic (the App just provides control and feedback, not playback in other words).

I've had similar experiences so it's not surprising to see them confirmed by others!
I appreciate all of the feedback ( no pun intended).
It seems the deeper you get into digital, the more the marketing takes over and the truth gets lost.
I would drop Roon except it irks me to have to drop a "lifetime" subscription.  Another question for the crowd.  Has anyone heard the Wyred 4 Sound servers?  Besides being dollar limited, I have space issues as well and would go better with a compact foot print.
on your criteria you might want to look at an OpticalRendu with fibreoptics connection to your router. 
After having a Bluesound system, I recently moved to Innuos.
That required a new app to stream music. I bought Squeeze Control, but found Roon to be superior. -Especially in the user interface.- I don't think you'll find a better one.


At the time, I was running Roon Core on an optimized Mac mini and using the Auralic Aries G2 streamer. I had (at the time) both Tidal and Qobuz though I’ve since dropped Tidal as Qobuz sounds better and their library is satisfactory.  

I honestly don’t recall if I compared files off of my Mac Mini hard drive over Roon and Lightning DS (“LDS”), but music streamed from Qobuz sounded significantly better on LDS than via Roon.

I haven’t an explanation, but have theorized that LDS manages the substantial buffer in the Auralic better than does Roon.  In usage, I don’t really care why as even though Roon as a library management system is better, LDS is plenty good enough.