Tube Bias question

Good morning everyone,
Recently I bought some new tubes for my Mac 240. 6l6 GC Tung Sol reissues. 
I had ordered the matched quad set. Issue was I only received two, made the dealer aware of the mistake and they did a great job of fixing the minor mistake. I received the remaining two yesterday. The concern I have is they are not a matched quad set. The first two had a matched bias of 44 or so, the next pair were matched at 53. Please excuse my ignorance as to what the translation is.
My question is this. I have read that the old Mac is not an amp that is sensitive to bias, or that it matters much. 
I was going to install one matched pair for each channel. Will this have a noticeable or negative effect on sound?
My system.
MoFi Ultra Deck 
Cambridge phono pre-amp
NAD pre amp and CD
MAC 240 amp (refurbished by Audio Classics Ryan. Awesome experience BTW)
Heresy iv
SVS PB 2000
Appreciate any feedback.

Thank you,

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xdoyle3433
Get a set of 4 within 5% and you have a GOOD matched set. 10% is not uncommon. Golden Lyon is 10%.  Make sure you make your position clear. Not their match YOUR match.. 5%.. NOT 10%

4 pieces within 5% same date stamp. There are just too many out there NOT to get what you paid for. 25-375.00 usd..

RCA BL expensive. 2-400.00 quad

Everything between

New Russian surplus, 29-69.00 quad. There are some good surplus valves too.  A set of 6 gives you two spares. 59-69.00. 10 years of service.. 10 hours a week is 10 years @ 5000 hours..

IF you add a soft start they will last even longer.  

It really depends on your amp. A matched quad is always the best, but matched pairs are fine in most applications if your amp auto bias is set by the pair or individually and not the quad. I think that is the case in your amp.