Lightning and electronics and my Macbook Air

A couple of nights ago lightning came over my house. It seemed everything was fine until I tried to turn on my Macbook air. It's' a total brick and no amount of different resets are working.  My next step is to attempt a battery removal.

Every other PC (3 of them) and audio gear is on a surge protector.  The Macbook was left charging directly into the wall.  I had completely forgotten about it when the thunder started.  In fact the charger is still working fine. Just the Macbook.  So whatever surge came through managed to find the weakest link in some bit of silicon.

I want to point out that this happened in spite of having a whole house surge protector which is still telling me it's fine.

So, as I was saying, belt and suspenders are the way to go. Whole house surge protector + surge protectors at your point of use for anything more delicate than a washer and dryer.
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Whole house surge protection comes in various forms. There’s the kind you can install on your panel, and the kind you rent from your power company which goes on your meter (though you can buy these kinds too). I have the former, so the power company has nothing to do with it.

Please keep in mind that in either case, they do NOT cover electronics, only major appliances and internal wiring. All the panel based protectors still recommend you add additional surge protection at the point of use of your electronics.

@hilde45 None of my surge protectors failed, however the whole house protector is not intended to save your delicates. Just your big iron. My Macbook was not connected to a strip, straight into the wall.



“Please keep in mind that in either case, they do NOT cover electronics, only major appliances and internal wiring. “

and that is what i explained.

be thankful it was just a laptop.   it could have been much worse.
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be thankful it was just a laptop.   it could have been much worse.

Indeed, considering I have 3 other PC's' in this house in addition to my home theater gear. All of that is protected locally though. Just out of convenience I had the Macbook's charger in an unprotected outlet in the living room. That's what got me.