Gold or Platinum Grade of Tubes for BAT Preamp.

Hi, all. I am awaiting delivery of my BAT VK-33. I’m going to replace the 6 stock EH 6922s with the NOS Rocket Logo 6H23-EB, which is a direct replacement for the 6922. My tube vendor has gold grade or platinum grade (which is about $15 more per tube than the gold grade). Tolerances for matched gold grade are 15-20%, while the platinum tolerances are 10% or less. Given that these are small signal tubes, is the tighter tolerance of the platinium grade worth the $$? Is the BAT hard on tubes, thereby requiring the more expensive ones? Thanks for your help.
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Voskhods (Rocket logo) made only 6n23p, direct replacement for e88cc6922, and the preferable ones to seek are 1974-1979 period (earlier the better).
The EV version is a different kind of tube, that can stand harder circuit environment, and was made by Reflektor and not so desirable sonically compared to a 6n23p.
I may be wrong but i never came across or seen any Voskhods with the EV designation.
That is my experience with them.