Tube Preamp Recommendations

I’m looking to get a tube preamp in the near future. Budget is $1k, but might go up to $1.5k. The Freya+ is one that I’m considering. What else is out there in my price range? The preamp will be fed by a SMSL SU-9 DAC. My amp is an upgraded Quad 405, which I recently acquired, and the speakers are AR Classic Series 18.
terrapin77 OP
The DAC is currently going straight into the amp

You really need to spend just the $49 on the Schiit Sys first. ( you can send it back for full refund)
As I’m sure 100% you were "bit stripping" the dac with 5.4v output "turned way down", into the Quad which only needs 0.5v in for full clipping wattage.

Cheers George
Thanks George!  I will check out the Sys.  The only reason I'm going DAC into amp right now is the buzzing from the 66 is annoying AF!! I wonder if it's the SU-9 causing it.  Wish I had a spare DAC to test. 
@terrapin77, could the buzzing just be a ground loop? Try a cheater plug and if that doesn't work, ask Rogue before giving up on the Magnum. Cheers.
+1 for the Van Alstine , only 1 tube but still is "tubey" .

His service is the  best  I have ever had in 50 years .
I picked up a refurnished/upgraded Modwright SWL 9.0 Line Stage from Dan Wright, and I couldn't be happier.

Just another thing to think about.
