Why audiophiles are different (explained with color)

A very interesting video on color and color perception. How it comes into being.

In the act of doing so, it illustrates how the complexity of the high end audio world comes into existence.. 

at the same time it explains how we end up with almost what you would call 'violent detractors'. Negative detractors.

People unable to discern nuance. Audio haters. As in .....non evolved people, regarding audio.

This is not a put down, it merely uses the words to describe the position in life they are in at the time. They may evolve more into the given audio directions, or they may not. It is a matter of will, choice, time, and innate capacity to do so.

Why The Ancient Greeks Couldn't See Blue
Just like the Greeks who are blind to blue, these audiophiles are deaf to imaging.
MC, or perhaps blind to it.
Gotta love it..


You know why? They lack a straw at the right spot....


For peanuts..

I'm tellin you though, it looks like the Beverly Hillbillies moonshining contraption.. Granny would be proud. 

Discussions of the interdependence of language and perception goes back as far as the pre-Socratics. More recent, influential work was done by Sellars, who argued that the idea of a "given" (in other words, reality telling us how it must be interpreted) is a myth. See, e.g., https://iep.utm.edu/epis-per/
Thanks interesting article....

What we call the given, and what we modern call the Imaginary, are correlated and regulated one another in the space of what Cassirer inspired by Goethe called the symbolic form....

The "given" perceived, posit to be objectively perceived, is an idea that come from the domination of the nominalism and of the cartesianism after him, culminating in the technological and theoretic science before quantum mechanic....The "given" is not a myth strictly speaking tough,it is a new correlation and a new regulation between the fundamental polarities of the symbolic forms themselves who always mediate between a "pure" knowledge which never exist and "pure" spontaneous action which never exist either separated absolutely from one another .... Reality is always appearing as perspectival symbolic form itself...

Goethe is the first phenomenologist to experience it consciusly with his plant morphology, and in his color theory....Cassirer being more a disciple of Goethe than even of Kant unbeknownst to most....
Animals Cannot Be Blue | Explorer

@teo_audio - Another interesting topic is how we are engaged in statistics when we listen and recognise voices, instruments, spacial information (imaging) are all skills used with statistical interpretation.
I'm undoubtedly fascinated by the world around us, so..
Thanks mate.  (two thumbs up)