The Weekend

Well, just watched the half-time Super Bowl, and I am impressed and (should I say it?), surprised by The Weekend.  Perhaps it's my biases at play here, but I am shocked and happy about it.  Or as I was coached at my job, my "unconscious bias".  I loved it!
Actually, to be correct it was Abel Makkonen Tesfaye, known as the Weeknd.
What are you people talking about?

Weekend, Marxist drivel, mirror room, pole dancing...

Is it full Moon out there?
LOL, Cold War stuff.. What did they say a Woodstock?

"Don't take the acid" There is some bad stuff out there man!!

The moral of the story is, bring your own mushrooms..

Here I don't know. Puff Puff pass, and lay off the booze, maybe..
