Super new to record players

Hello all. I’ve just been gifted a Thorens TD 190. I need a new Stylist. Does anyone have any recommendations and a place where I can get it? Does anyone know how I can adjust the lid to stay open on its own? It keeps falling down. Thank
Thanks for the input. I’ve got it set up pretty well or at least from what I’ve read up on. I have a Phono port on my amp which is where I’ve got it hooked up to. The reason I need a new tip is because my son smacked it when I was setting it up and broke it. It’s moved out of his reach now. I was able to reattach it but it’s probably the reason why the volume is low. I appreciate the reply’s including the abuse haha. 
Do you guys have any Suggestions on what I should get or what I should stay away from as far as a stylus I see that there’s Cartridges and stylus
You need a new cartridge. Probably MM. Easier to get good results with a MM. But which one, I'm afraid you'll have to wait for one of the guys here who know. There are some really good budget cartridges that will make a huge difference for you. Then take their suggestions and search for comments on those carts. Doing it that way you will be able to find a great one, they are out there.