Grounding with a Earth box?

OK so help be understand something.   I understand the value of grounding equipment, but what is the value of having a woodbox with salt, earth, minerals etc  do for grounding?  How is supposed to work or be better?

well it can be expensive snake oil -

$9,260 USD
Come on, see it from the positive side.

It is.......(Guaranteed lowest advertised price)
Where was this on The silliest tweak thread? After this, Hallographs start making sense.
The box is from the same company that makes vibb eaters -  cant make this up ...or can I?
These guys, probably just a guy with phenomenal sense of humor, are running to win the prize of some sort. And they/he may make some money along the way.
All grounding schemes from component to earth have different levels of impedance (ground potential). We know this much.
By no means am I an expert, but by wiring each component’s chassis (earth ground) to the grounding box and adjusting the settings, the theory is that an equal impedance to ground can be achieved.

Where’s millercarbon when you need him?