Building the Audio Note Kit 1 SET amp...

Hi, Folks,
If anyone's interested, I've started a blog with lots of photos, documenting my ongoing build of the Audio Note Kit 1 300B SET amp. If you've ever thought of building any kit before and want to get a feel for what it's like, you're welcome to have a look!
I have had three different Kit One's over the years, going back to the days when Angela Instruments sold them. I wrote a review waaaayyyyy back for Positive Feedback when it was a print journal, and Art Dudley has written about it in the old Listener magazine.
I have a pair of the L4 monoblocks now and they are simply excellent in every way. I am also getting ready to build a pair of the new dual 300B interstage monoblocks for my late winter project.
Brian Smith is a great guy to work with on these kits and pretty passionate about keeping them as state of the art products. They are a screaming deal compared to a finished product of this quality, for those who can solder.
Thanks for the post. I sometimes wonder what the Kit 1 would cost if it was only sold as a finished product. Anyway, glad you've had so many positive experiences with AN Kits.
What kind of speakers did you run the Kit 1's with?
Dbarger ;
Can you speak to the quality of the parts in the Kit 1's , since ANK broke away from Audio Note ?
How many of the parts , in the basic kits , are actually made or sourced from Audio Note UK ?

Thank You
The quality is exemplary. In the kits with Tantalum resistors, the Takmans are excellent, as are the AN tantalums.
I would say the kits have only gotten better over the years. I believe the wiring has been improved regarding layout so that a finished kit will be very quiet. My L4's are super quiet. I have a Ref75, great amp, but find I usually am playing the L4's... They both have their strengths.
Rebbi, I was on your blog this morning. YOu are getting close to the end. I cant wait for you to finish and fire up the amp for the first time. It will be an experience you will not forget.