Looking for new (to me) Speakers for Leben CS300XS---Devore, Harbeth, or Reference 3A?

Hi, I am motivated to purchase one of these soon to use with the 15 watt Leben. I will be replacing my Zu's which are for sale here.

Does anyone have any suggestions for me?

DeVore Gibbon The Nines = $3.4k and a 81 mile round trip.

Harbeth C7ES-3 = $3.k and a 19 mile round trip. 

Reference 3A Episode BE = $2.7k and 36.5 mile round trip.

What would you do?


I run my Ref 3A de Capos with a 4 watt Decware mini torii. Does it get concert loud, no but loud enough for a 12x20 room.
I’m using a 20-watt Raven Audio Blackhawk with the Reference 3A de Capo i speakers and it has considerably more than power than I need for anything in the wide range of music I listen to in a medium size living room.

I owned the DeVore Super 8 speakers and absolutely loved them but was driving them with a considerably more powerful amp.
Yes, some good advice here. Use your Leben to audition if at all possible.

An 81mile round trip ain't too bad. I once did a near 400 mile round trip to pick up some Quads! Never again.

As @tvad said, why limit yourself to a choice between these three? The Tekton Perfect Set certainly looks intriguing.
Instead of the Harbeth, strongly consider one of the Audio Note models.  They are excellent and would play superbly well with your Leben.
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