Room Treatment, Panel Sound Diffusers

So I am setting up a third sound system in a spare bedroom.  I want to really get the walls and perhaps ceiling treated for optimal sound.  The bed will be taken out.  I will put in high quality duplexes like the ones sold by Cullen Cables.  However, there are a bunch of different sound diffuser panels with many being quite expensive.  I am going to do the install myself so nothing too complicated.  Looking for advice on the type of wall treatment that works but won't break the bank.

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+1 Erik_squires. ATS Acoustics in Piper City Illinois provides ready made panels and DIY products. I have purchased DIY from them.
In a small room absorption is better than diffusion. Acoustic panels behind speakers and listening chair and at reflection points. Bass traps in corners. 
Again, thanks for the suggestions, vendor recommendations, and overall advice.  Much appreciated.