Acoustic Revive RR-77, 777, 888 Schumann Generator

Love to hear from anyone about their experience with these devices.  Long story short, I have an RR-77 in my room.  Bought it off Audiogon about ten years ago.  Every once in a while I look at it and think to myself "stooopid".  So I turn it off... then back on... then off... then back on.  Then I leave it on because what it does is wild.  And it does wildly good things to the sound in the room. I have it positioned above 5', and off to the side in the room.  It's like an ECU tune on your already high performance engine.  It's like buying a chocolate from a storefront in Brugge, rather than a Godiva from your local mall.  

I've read the threads.  Looked over posts and reviews on the interwebs.  It works and anyone who says it's snake oil... whatevs.

Anyone ever compare iterations of this device?  77 vs. 777 vs. 888?  Any discernible improvements?

I have not delved into any other AR devices.  Anything particularly noteworthy?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xsumadoggie
Looks like a good unit to try, I thought of placing an order, but it looks like it might not be sent until February 2021!

Yes, as I said, I think that they are something that is affordable and effective.
Ozzy- When I ordered mine they came within a week. I bought that particular one because it was built better than some of the others. It might be worth the wait.