Older Pioneer Elite Receiver Dropping LFE with Newer Audio Formats?

Trying to help my father figure this out.  He has an old Elite receiver that seems to drop the subwoofer output altogether on certain shows/movies that he watches.  Seems to be the newer shows that are affected as older programming seems to work fine and the sub is clearly working.  Could it be the receiver isn't processing the newer audio formats properly?  If so, is there an add-on adapter/decoder available to resolve this without the need to replace the receiver?  Will provide the receiver model number when he gets it to me.  Thank you for any suggestions.
I suggest putting a blu ray player or similar (media player) in front to process the newer formats. I had a similar problem with an older Denon and put an oppo in to do the processing. As an aside I would still check the settings to make sure it's not simply a necessity to reset it first.