the dB/octave specification of the crossover?

I have a dumb question the dB/octave specification of the crossover. A speaker designer wrote on his Facebook that dB/octave is like the resolution of a television. For example, for the same set of drivers, if we apply a crossover with 12dB/octave, the sound won’t be as detailed as with a 50dB/octave crossover. If this is true, I wonder why there are many speakers with 12dB/octave only. Why isn't there a race in dB/octave just like 4k, 8k TV?
Thank you. 
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How can Kenjit call himself a speaker designer  when he's never actually done it?
Oh yeah.....fb.
Or, how about going fully active? Buy a digital cross-over from the very high quality likes of Xilica (without costing a fortune), and make slopes, Q’s, delays, gains etc. on the fly, from the listening position. You’ll need extra amps for each pair of drivers/frequency section, sure, but they needn’t be as expensive being freed of looking into a more or less heavily driven passive XO and instead firing directly into the driver. Slopes up to 48dB/octave, without the added complexity of a passive design, and with the filtering done pre-amplification on signal level there’s no meddling with a full-wattage input (into the filter) and fluctuating filter values.

I'm using a fully active set-up myself with a Xilica digital XO (36dB/octave L-R for mains and 36dB/octave Butterworth high-pass on the subs), and it's a sonic delight. 
it really depends on the drivers involved.  
a blend between a woofer and tweeter needs to "sum" to fill in the frequencies through the crossover range.  
if both drivers are cut off sharply at the crossover frequency that missing summing could come off as recessed and lacking detail.  
but there are exceptions to the rule, especially if the drivers have a rising response or extended response beyond the crossover.
if a driver has a natural acoustic roll-off at the crossover and you compound that with a steep crossover- e.g. 24 db per octave, then yes the system could sound dull and recessed.