What do you think causes the crackle and clicks we hear?

I think pops are easier to understand but clicks and crackle noises, what causes this?
I use a Talisman to mitigate static and a good US cleaning to eliminate dust and dirt. I have silent playback from vinyl! Some of the older records have surface scratches from rough handling 50 years ago and of course a few dings here and there.
The Talisman eliminates magnetic fields, not static electric charges, as fate would have it. Chalk that one up to that’s the way it goes sometimes.
Last night I gave my noisy crackle 180 gram a really good cleaning, and whaddya know the crackling went away! I also noticed most of the static was removed from the record which was what I thought causes the crackling. I'll test out more records in the coming days.
MC, I have two 911s and neither one squeals. One is ceramic and it is supposed o have a reputation for that. The other one will grind just starting out if the brakes got wet but no squeal. It has Girodisc rotors on it and Centric pads.
Johnss, My records are never touched by any cleaning device or fluid. Just a conductive sweep arm and the stylus. Excuse me. Some of my very old albums were treated with Last. I stopped when I figured out that it was not doing a darn thing. Maybe to rare fingerprint when I slip.
 I just got a new WiFi USB microscope. I will see if I can get pictures and figure a way to post them. 
Used records and records that have gotten dirty are a different problem. I can understand why those who buy used records get a record cleaning devise. I do not. The secret to clean records is, don't let them get dirty in the first place.