Simple question, or is it...

What exactly is an audio signal made of, and what exactly is the medium it travels through in a cable??
Well i'll be ! 
 And all this time I was a'thinkin they were made from "Little girls dreams, Rainbows and Unicorn farts..........."
a re-creation of an acoustic wave(s) involving continuously varying amplitude(s) and frequency(ies).

captured via _____, recreated via _______
  djones51 ...
  • "Let's return to the mundane question of audio signals and leave the miracles for religious charlatans ..."

"That which is hidden from the most learned is revealed to mere children."
When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.
The sum of their educational growth = an Online Degree, from Wiki  (iow: a BS Degree).