MoFi - Are You Kidding Me?

I just opened a brand new 180gr 45 RPM release from MoFi and it has a frickin’ finger print on it?  Seriously.  I never have that kind of issue with Quality Records Pressings.
@crazyeddy   My point exactly.  Thanks for reaffirming.  I expect more than what I got for the money.  And, I never have these issues with Quality Record Pressings.  Watch the video a  You'll see that they wear gloves when then inspect the LPs, and put them into the record sleeves.  This is what I expect when I spend $50 on an LP.
95% of the people who knew how to make great LP's are deceased as is the machinery to make them .
I never even got a fingerprint on any of the albums I never paid for from Columbia House in the 80's. lol