Flux HiFI Electronic Stylus Cleaner

I treated myself to the Flux HIFI electronic stylus cleaner.  I knew I had to get over the $150 price tag and just give it a try--I can always return it to Music Direct.  

Well, the thing works as advertised.  The result in sound quality was surprising.  Even though I thought I had great cartridge hygiene, the Flux shows me my methods are not as good as I thought.  

I highly recommend this product if you enjoy vinyl.  I have to think in addition to sound quality I would see a better stylus life and less record wear.  
I used a Signet SK305, at my shoppe, every few plays, for a couple years.     Kept the stylus on my demo system’s Sonus Gold/Blue pristine.     Still looks like new, sitting in it's box, on my desk.     I’ve seen them sell for over $85.00(used), on eBay.     Probably should list it.     Can’t really say why, but- I’ve always used Stylast and a brush, at home.
Once a month I might have to wipe off a thread of incidental dust that gets through otherwise my stylus does not get dirty. Every blue moon I'll clean off the cartridge, cantilever and stylus with alcohol on an artists brush. Due to static charge the cantilever and cartridge will collect a  fine layer of very fine dust over time. I also never clean my records or use any thing on them. You just don't let them get dirty in the first place. 
Clean record + dust cover + conductive sweep arm = best no hastle record and stylus care.  If you buy used records or have a lot of old records that have been subject to less than optimal conditions than an ultrasonic cleaner is the way to go. 
Record cleaning stuff did not come along until the early 80's when people started spending megabucks on Hi Fi. For those of us that started collecting records before then we had to figure out a method on our own or our records just got chewed up and we had to clean off the stylus after every side. The #1 enemy is static electricity followed by environmental pollution like cigarette smoke (pot also) and cooking fumes. 
If a record is not charged dust that falls on it will blow right off. If the record is charged dust and environmental pollution will get sucked right down into the groove. It will not just blow off and  record brushes won't remove it. Your stylus becomes your main record cleaning devise. 
The problem for most vinylphiles is that they play their records without a dust cover and do nothing to discharge the record which you have to do while the record is playing because that is when the static charge is generated. 20 minutes out in the open generating thousands of volts of static electricity is plenty of time and charge to fill the grooves with dust..
Use a dust cover and a conductive sweep arm that is connected to ground and this does not happen, at all. None of it.  
Some of us started making conductive sweep arms in the early 70's and most of  the best turntables had dust covers. We took camel hair artist brushes and ran fine copper wires almost to the end of the bristles so that they would get close but not contact the record then tied the whole mess to a metal wand, created a unipivot stand and we were in business. I remember one fellow who made one out of an older tone arm. Then in the early 80s they started making conductive carbon fiber brushes and several years later one company finally released an arm with carbon fiber bristles. There are several available today. They should be a lot more popular but the industry would rather sell you expensive machines and gunk to choke up your records further. 
Then for some reason audiophiles came to the determination that dust covers ruin the sound which is comical as far as I am concerned. I suppose given a bad design this could happen but dust covers usually make things sound better because they attenuate air born vibration. No echo. I think what happened was manufactures started coming out with crazy designs that were difficult if not impossible to mount dust covers to and dust covers add to the expense. So, you just get everybody to believe they are bad news, the mythology solution. Cheap and effective.
On the other side of the argument what is more important, the condition of your records or a theoretical detriment to your sound quality. I guarantee that things will sound a lot worse once your records are chewed up. The problem is so bad that most people have no idea how quiet a medium records can be and switched entirely to digital sources
like uberwaltz and noromance:)  
Mijo, We've been over this ground before.  Dust covers, used while the LP is in play, are very bad for SQ, and it's not comical to think so.  You apparently do not hear a problem, which is fine.  Most others do, as was suggested by the responses you got last time you aired your preferences, including my own response.  Dust covers are harmless only when the turntable is sitting idle.  I and most others find that styli accumulate "gunk" (dust and probably tiny fragments of vinyl plus whatever was on the LP beforehand) during play, dust cover or no.  Cleaning the stylus at least periodically if not after every LP is a worthwhile exercise therefore, in my opinion.  Also, since I purchased my Xerostat in the mid-70s (probably 1972) in the UK, I have some direct evidence that the obsession with record cleaning goes way back before the 1980s.  I think you'd find that the Discwasher products are also "ancient".  A friend of mine in college in the 1960s, had one of those brushes that ride on the LP ahead of the tonearm, of the kind you like.  The only part of your post with which I can agree is the notion that it is a good idea to avoid or eliminate static charge on the LP surface, so much as that is possible.
like uberwaltz and noromance:)

Have absolutely ZERO idea what that silly little jibe is supposed to mean?
Care to elaborate?
Actually Mijo, forget it, you are not worth the time and effort to attempt to have a rational sensible discussion with.
Do as you please and whatever makes you happy with records but do NOT assume your word is gospel and the rest of us know nothing.